This is Gawa, she is an absolute honey. She’s 18 months old and a very gentle, playful, sensitive, intelligent dog.
It is with sadness, that due to unforeseen circumstances she is now looking for a new home.
She is fully vaccinated, desexed and microchipped. She is house trained, learns new commands very quickly, loves to play with other dogs and is warming to new people more and more every day. She is very loyal, she loves cuddles from her family, she loves the beach. She doesn’t jump fences (baby gates keep her in a room), she is quite a mellow, low energy dog, which is surprising for her breed (huntaway cross).
She only needs one walk a day and spends a lot of time lounging in the sun or sleeping (as you’ll see in the photos). She loves to relax quietly next to her owner, she loves to play, she is an excellent companion.
She is also great when she is out and about in public spaces, she’ll sit quietly at a cafe, or in a shop. She hasn’t had much exposure to children, cats or other animals but she is a very quick learner so I’m sure this could be taught.
She is based in Auckland.
She needs owners who are caring and patient. She was a rescue from the pound and although she has come incredibly far, she is still healing from some trauma which comes out sometimes as timidness or fear of people. This has meant that positive reinforcement, praise, taking it slow and being patient with introducing her to new situations or people goes very far with her strengthening her confidence.
I want to find her the best possible home that will be a great fit for her. Please contact me if you’re interested in talking further.
Loving Natured Dog for Adoption
Private seller