suited perfectly to a family home or working dog.
Raised as a pet but has interest in sheep.
Her Loyalty, curiosity and loving nature makes for a perfect family dog. She is full of energy, however her willingness and eagerness to learn makes her easy to train.
She is well socialized, and hasent met a dog or person that she hasent liked.
Tahi is experienced with other dogs and good natured around them.
we own chooks that she is gentle around.
She interacts well with children of all ages.
Trained with the basics and well behaved on a leed.
She is fully vaccinated, wormed and fleed... she comes with the pet vaccination booklet to prove.
Would absolutely love to keep her, however she is not entirely suited to my busy schedule or life and would love a playmate or love to be working on a farm.
Included in this price is her Kennel, Toys, Leash + Dog bed.
Her Birthday is 1/8/2022
Welcome to Contact me for Viewing: 0212802916 - Debbie
PUREBRED Border Collie
Priority listingPrivate seller