7 week old girls looking for there foreva homes
Loki is a sweet boy that needs to be the only pet.
Puppies are available right now
Staffy X looking for her forever home
A recent change in my living situation means i have to rehome my dog. I cant provide a suitable environment for her no more. Very intelligent and highly motivated to complete her job (fetch).
BK Kennels NZ Presents Kingdom Akuma (sire) x Manutai Blue Nova (dam) These puppies have world class pedigree.
They have been well handle loving and friendly
Pelly is 9 years old. He is looking for a loving family who will give him lots of attention and pats. he is a lap cat and loves lying on your chest. he is very vocal.
11 puppies
3 kittens (1 male black/white, 1 male black, 1 female black/white)
2 female Guinea pigs,very clean, healthy,cute pets,you feed them hays,vegs and water
Registered Medical records available Playful We have Stunning kittens available. All of our kittens are TICA registered and come fully socialized with a written full health guarantee.
We are looking to rehome this cute little dude. His name is Smudge and he is playful, full of fun and is super smart.
Confident friendly cat found meowing under a car on busy Don Buck Road.